CliMates is a member of the Civil Society representatives at the World Summit Climate and Territories, carrying the voice of youth to more than 1700 cities at the Summit.

On the 23rd of April, CliMates presented its involvement in the World Summit on Climate & Territories during at their press conference at the French Senate.

This summit took place on the 1st and 2nd of July in the south of France, gathering people from local governments from all over the world. It was a major milestone for dialogue and collective work in the run up to COP21 considering that the mobilization of Non-State Actors is one of the key features for this COP’s success.

The voices of non-State actors rose again on the path to COP21. After the Business and Climate Summit on 20th-21st May, which gathered hundreds of CEOs of multinationals asking for a strong price on carbon, the World Summit on Climate and Territories, organized in Lyon on July 1st-2nd 2015, assembled hundreds of non-state actors, including local authorities’ representatives, NGOs, private consultants and researchers, to draft all together a common declaration of engagement and a set of recommandations addressed to national governments. As this year, this Summit is the most important event aimed at giving a voice to civil society, together with local authorities, a couple of months before the COP21.

Are this Summit and its results game-changing in the fight against climate change? How important are territories and local actions in front of this global challenge? The last report of UN-Habitat “Cities and Climate Change” indicates that cities are the most important pollution centers of the planet, responsible for 70% of global GHG, while they only occupy 2% of the lands. The role of local authorities is therefore absolutely crucial, both in terms of practical implementation of national guidelines and as social and environmental innovation laboratories to reduce their own pollution.

Several important announcements were made during this Summit in this regard. President François Hollande and Minister Laurent Fabius, President of COP21, officially ensured that they would negotiate to allow local authorities – and not only States – to receive fundings from the Green Fund.

Yet, local authorities are not waiting for the Green Fund to act on their own. A representant from the Carbonn Climate Registry declared that, so far, 212 cities have already committed in NAZCA to reduce all together around 1 billion tCO2eq by 2020: this is equal to the total GHG reductions of the European Union between 1990 and 2012!

The Subnational Global Climate Leadership Memorandum of Understanding (Under 2 MOU) was officially launched during the Summit: a total of 16 regions, states and provinces so far joined this first-of-its-kind agreement to reduce GHG emissions by 80-95% below 1990 level by 2050. This goes hand in hand with the commitments of numerous global cities’ networks, among which the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance launched in 2014, which shares the same reduction objective.

During the Summit, twenty recommandations came out of ten workshops, which allowed the interested participants to contribute to the drafting of the final declaration. Here are the most striking ones. CliMates’ president Delphine Blumereau, presenter of the declaration on education, asked to « assign spending for environmental education within local authorities in consultation with civil society actors” and “develop environmental education for every public, and within youth public policies, by fostering experimentation, creativity and participation ». Furthermore, it was suggested to create an online platform within the UNFCCC gathering education on environment and climate change actions around the world, based on the NAZCA model. Concerning energy, local authorities asked to be given mandates to settle local innovative energy systems and divestment initiatives from fissible and fossil energies. The Urban Mobility workshop ensured that it was possible to « reduce GhG of the sector by 50 to 75% by 2050 and improve the quality of life ». A proposition « to  focus on vulnerable and poor people, and territories » was asked by the Climate Finance’s workshop. The participants to the Low Carbon Economy workshop asked for « a fair transition  to sustainability jobs through social dialogue and collective intelligence ».

Agro-ecology was advocated for agriculture, while the « respect of human rights, cultural values and traditions towards forests » was proven necessary to protect the forests by a representative of the COICA, the federation of indigenous communities living in the Amazon forest.

All the recommendations of this Summit share one common principle: citizen information, training, and engagement should be at the core of every local policy. This Summit highlighted a fundamental point, too often played down: sustainable development is not only about the integration of social, economic and environmental considerations into every individual and collective decision-making processes but it is mostly about citizens’ engagement and re-appropriation of their own territory (urban, rural, or forests), energy, mobility, education, etc. through the exercise of their political power, alongside with governors.

Combining a system based on political representation with participative democracy is far from easy: from inclusive consultation, bottom-up approach, to direct democracy, this Summit has also been a first attempt to share the best examples of sustainable policies from around the world. And it definitely needs to be amplified and renewed.

The Summit has two objectives:

  • Present concrete commitments from a whole range of territorial players: the greenhouse gas emission reduction announcements made in Lyon will contribute to developing a credible path to limiting global warming to 2°C.
  • Submit specific proposals for commitments from non-state actors to be acknowledged in a bold climate agreement in Paris.

The commitments and proposals presented at the World Summit Climate & Territories will be submitted to the French Presidency of COP21 and to all the parties to the United Framework Convention on Climate Change.


A Sciences Po initiative aimed at mobilizing universities all over the world for the 2015 international climate negotiations, of which CliMates is a partner.

Paris climate 2015, a momentous event for both the climate and France

The 21st Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (“COP21”) will take place in Paris in December 2015. This international meeting will be of historic significance: countries will have to come up with a universal and binding agreement to limit climate change to 2°C above pre-industrial times.

Renewing the interest and confidence of public opinion will be at stake at COP21, as citizens, civil society, local governments and companies will be called upon to contribute by putting forward solutions and commitments of their own.

Led by two eminent professors (Bruno Latour and Laurence Tubiana), Sciences Po has decided to launch COP21: Make it Work. Through several ambitious projects, this initiative aims to help communities of students and researchers, as well as society in general, both in France and abroad, to address climate change and its related geopolitical issues.

Sciences Po will provide participating negotiators, activists, NGOs and other stakeholders with original resources that will be developed during the initiative. As a key institution in the political, administrative and media spheres, Sciences Po will play the role of a hub.

Showcasing research on climate change

For two years, Sciences Po will mobilize laboratories capable of working at the interface of social and natural sciences. This will be to equip the negotiators, the media and citizens with the tools necessary to visualize new geopolitical issues.

Showcasing research related to climate change at Sciences Po (the resources are numerous at the various research centers: CERI, CEVIPOF, LIEPP, Medialab, OFCE, IDDRI, etc.),

Development of tools for public debate in situations of crisis or controversy: FORCCAST, the “Politiques de la Terre” project, PRES, mapping of controversies, etc.

An exceptional opportunity for students of climate change studies

Having already developed academic resources on climate change issues (for example, two double degrees in Environment with the University of Paris VI or the Master in Environmental Policy at the PSIA), Sciences Po wishes to go further in order to prepare for COP21: mainstream climate change in the curricula through case studies, create new courses and specific research topics, launch a contest for best articles written by students on the subject;

Organization of several important debate exercises that explore different angles (diplomatic, economic, social…),

Mobilization of the entire Sciences Po community around the theme of climate change, a transdisciplinary and universal issue: financial institutions, companies from different sectors, local governments, all areas of public policy and all relevant academic disciplines.

The centerpiece: a student simulation of international climate negotiations in May of 2015

After the success of COP RW, a 150-student simulation of COP15 organized by Sciences Po in June 2011, our establishment wishes to organize a simulation six months before COP21. The aim will be twofold:

Offer to the students a dynamic and scientific pedagogical training (indeed, COP RW demonstrated how a simulation exercise is a powerful tool to mobilize and raise awareness).

Leading up to the simulation, students will be guided and participate in an in depth analysis of the stakes of COP21 and of the potential scenarios for its success. Sciences Po will mobilize students and experts from all continents and curricula.

Carry the voice of students at COP21, publicizing the results of the simulation and making them known to decision makers. (A second significant moment of the project will take place in November 2015 to accomplish this goal).

A close collaboration with partner institutions

Sciences Po has decided to open up this initiative to many establishments across the world. Thus, several partners such as Tsinghua University (Beijing), the London School of Economics (London), Columbia University (New York) and the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Brussels) have confirmed their intent on associating professors and students to COP21: Make it Work.

We are partners of this event and will bring forth our expertise on student training on climate change as well as its network of universities.



The GCP programme focuses on climate negotiations in order to empower the climate generation and develop a positive advocacy to tackle climate change.

Since 2012, CliMates members have been “observers” of the UNFCCC negotiations inside the youth constituency YOUNGO. COP21 has been a momentum but it was the first step of a long process.

This programme aims at giving CliMates the tools to follow up this process with 2 goals:

Bring forward the youth analysis

Sensitize and train tomorrow’s changemakers

In 2015, the COP21 took place in December in Paris. As a new global climate agreement has to be reached, this negotiation round will be a major milestone and a big challenge for all climate stakeholders. Throughout the year, all eyes will be on this event.  In this regard, we will make this event a central pillar of our framework for 2015.

Since 2012, CliMates have been accredited for UNFCCC negotiating sessions. This year, we will make necessary efforts to strengthen the follow-up of the negotiation process by our delegates, the CliMates’ representation inside the UNFCCC, especially inside the youth constituency YOUNGO.

Moreover, as an international network based in Paris, we will actively contribute to the organization of the 11th Conference of Youth (COY11), which will be held in Paris a few days before the COP21.

The COY11 is co-organised by CliMates, Avenir climatique, REFEDD, the French Scouting Federation and the Mouvement WARN!, with the help of YOUNGO. As the sole organisation with an international outreach, CliMates has a special role to play in the preparation of this event.

The COY11 will take place in Paris a few days before the COP21, between November 26th and November 28th, and will gather 5000 young people in Villepinte, a suburb of Paris. This important milestone for the youth mobilization on the road to the COP21 will prove that the new generations are ready ready now to change their model of society. Our delegation inside the COP21 will also communicate the COY11 values and ideas.

During the event, CliMates will run various workshops and activities to train attendees and making them discover solutions to tackle climate change.



CliMates is an international think-and-do tank on climate change gathering volunteers, both students and young professionals. Its goal is to take on the climate challenge by :

  1. Developing and promoting innovative ideas and tools
  2. Influencing decision-makers
  3. Training youth to become change-makers

We are youth who want to get together to do research, share knowledge, express opinions, raise awareness, launch mobilisations and advocate for a transition to low carbon societies.

We all share an uncertain climate future. CliMates is fully aware of this reality. For this reason, it gathers youth from all around the world who aim at facing climates challenges. Our global network represents various countries, identities, backgrounds and cultures.

We are convinced that our global approach is our strength. CliMates’ projects are fueled by our Mates’ different local perspectives.

We want to stand up, be heard, and create something different through the alliance of thought and action !

CliMates’ project was born in France and has spread all around the world. It is a non-for-profit voluntary organization registered in France, but today, our members live in more than 30 countries. You can join us or collaborate with us everywhere, from Colombia to Nepal, from Mali to Canada etc.

CliMates Mali, our first antenna, was launched in 2016. It demonstrates CliMates’ willingness to strenghten the structure of its international network in order to share our energies, visions and tools.


    • Knowledge
    • CliMates gathers students and young professionals willing to develop their knowledge on the subject matter. It trains them to address and anticipate emerging climate change issues


    • Innovation
    • CliMates seeks new ways of research and negotiation, inciting ingenuity in trying to solve global issues.


    • Collaboration
    • CliMates highlights the benefits of sharing experiences and ideas, and materializes this in a collaborative research system.


    • Credibility
    • CliMates relies on a highly qualified student network supported by renowned researchers, enhancing the depth and integrity of its publications of CliMates’ student solutions.


    • Solidarity
    • CliMates uses mutual assistance on a daily basis and reckons that an altruistic mindset is the first step to solving climate change